Resources for identifying fern genera.
As we update the Genera pages for the NC Native Ferns on the NC State Plant Toolbox, I will create a link to them here.
Fern genera found in NC (pronunciation)
- Adiantum (ae-dee-AN-tum )
- Asplenium (as-PLEE-nee-um)
- Athyrium (uh-THEE-ree-um)
- Botrychium (boh-TRIK-ee-um)
- Cystopteris (sis-TOP-ter-is)
- Dryopteris (dry-OP-ter-iss)
- Hemionitis (hem-ee-oh-NYE-tiss)
- Homalosorus (ho-ma-loh-SOR-us)
- Onoclea (on-OH-klee-ah)
- Ophioglossum
- Osmunda (os-MUN-dah)
- Osmundastrum (os-mun-DAS-trum)
- Phegopteris (fay-GOP-ter-iss)
- Pleopeltis (plee-oh-PELL-tiss)
- Polypodium (pol-ee-POH-dee-um)
- Polystichum (pol-IS-tick-um )
- Sitobolium (sy-toh-BOH-lee-um)
- Thelypteris (theh-LIP-ter-iss)
- Woodsia (WOOD-see-ah)
- Woodwardia (wood-WAR-dee-ah)